2024/2025 HSCNS Health Policy/ COVID-19 Protocol/

Vaccination Requirements


Teachers are authorized to conduct a daily visual health check at drop off and throughout the day to determine each child’s wellness.

If your child has a flushed appearance, sore throat, fever or rash, DO NOT bring her/him to school.  Although these conditions may not constitute an illness.

Parents/Caregivers:  Please note your personal health before entering the school.  If you were ill the night before or are presently ill, pick-ups and drop-offs are fine, but being the Parent Helper or extended exposure to the children is not. 

  • Fever: Before returning to school, your child’s temperature should be normal for at least 24 hours.  A fever is defined as a temperature of 100.4 or higher.

  • Colds:  Stay home until the head is clear, nose mucous has thickened & cough is minimal.

  • Diarrhea: Stay home until bowel movements are normal.

  • Bacterial Infections: (such as strep throat, ear infections, etc.)  Stay home until all symptoms, including fever, have been gone for at least 24 hours.

  • Viral Infection: (such as, but not limited to, respiratory or intestinal flu) Stay home until your child is back to normal & strength returns.

  • Allergies:  Teachers must be notified of any allergies.  They should be listed on the medical alert form as well as the background information sheet.

  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye):  This is extremely contagious. Stay home until all symptoms are clear.

  • Lice:  Stay home until eggs and/or lice are no longer found.  Notify the teacher immediately.  Treat at home with appropriate medication & wash all bedding, clothing, linens, combs and brushes in hot water.

  • Other:  This includes any illness not specifically mentioned here, accidents, surgery, etc.  Stay home until released by your doctor to return to school.


1) Please make sure your child is well before sending them to school.  Students with a fever or other covid symptoms will be asked to contact their physician, and if a covid test is ordered, the child may not return to school until the test is negative. If a test is not warranted by the physician, the child may not return to school until fever free without the aid of medicine for 24 hours. Students must also follow the health policy as stated in the HSCNS Handbook. 

2) If a student or teacher tests positive for COVID 19, the school will follow the recommended guidelines and close down for 10 days when needed. If a family member of a teacher/student tests positive and has had contact with the teacher/student, the teacher/student must not return to school until the designated quarantine period is up. 

The New York State Department of Health considers a close contact to be someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before illness onset until the time the person was isolated.

3) Masks are currently optional.

4) If a child or household member tests positive for COVID-19, the school must be notified. We will contact the UCDOH for further instruction as well as notify the church per our contract with them. Members of the HSCNS will be notified. However, no information will be given regarding the identity of the positive individual.  


NY State Vaccination Requirements for Students

A list of all required vaccines needed for enrollment may be found here.